Winding Up Your Yoyo
One last step before finally throwing your yoyo. Winding up is super important and not as easy as it may seem. This is a skill you will use a lot, especially in the beginning.
1 XP
!Rules & Tips
  • Put first string over your index finger to hold it
  • Fix your string tension when needed
Most Common Mistakes
  • Winding up the string too loose
  • Playing tangled string
Most Popular

I watch your vidieos


TIP: make sure you put your yoyo in your hand correctly before each throw


TIP: place yoyo onto palm always with the string coming from the top


It's better to wind 3-4 loops, remove your finger from the loop and let it get wound up in the string. Also, winding without it attached to your finger prevents tension from getting in the string.


Is there any way to skip to intermediate?




This looks like a Netflix show


I like to pinch the string with my finger to the yoyo before winding it up so the 'tail' is shorter




I Watch your videos in youtube


Is option to upload this new or I just missed it?


Only trick I can do without response pads


I watch your tutorials😇


How do you make a video


This trik also use with metal yoyo






Easy peasy mack and cheesy






Easy peasy




This Is very easy








Ok Is funy




I al ready know how to do all of this


Just need to breeze thru it. This is a great app. Love it and everyone here is so helpful and nice. Lot of information...


Nice App 👍




Nice app


Nice app


Nice app


Yeah really nice :)


I learnt unresponsive dna


How do I skip to unresponsive yoyoing I already know how to do all of these unresponsive tricks


And most of it are pretty fundamental. It‘s good knowing some/all of them!


Imma become a pro😎


Thanks is so esay




I cant post my video, why? I want to advance and i cant.


Is a fast wind enough or do I have to wind up manually?




Gg Bro


Yo yo is so fun


I new in yoyoing and i can't throw the yoyo with the good form is very funny


I’m already good with yo-yos I just down downloaded this app I know string tricks


I need to skip to intermediate


What does this do?


Pro tip: just wind up your yoyo. It takes a minute tops. Unrelated videos will just get rejected.


I've got it


Hello i am from romania


Can we discuss whether the first loop over the finger should be a requirement. Under the “rules and tips” section, it is a tip, not a rule. And that’s exactly how I view it. It could be helpful to someone struggling to wind up their yoyo. But it also shows up as a reason to downvote a trick, which seems against the general policy not to discourage new players. I feel like I’m seeing this reason to downvote really being abused recently on perfectly good videos of windups.


how can someone get 258 pills for one ttick that everyone has same




Holaaaaaaa es mi id de brawl


Digo la imagen de perfil


Hola ege4


I don’t like doing videos of myself, but the videos keep getting taken down. Why do I have to wind up this way, when I’ve been doing this for years with my thumb?


Great advice




Hardest trick ever😏🤣




